It may not be easy if you want to start your own business in the off line world. First of all you need a huge capital in most of the case. Secondly, you need a good business plan and sets of good strategies. Believe or not, success in business in the off line world is not by chance. It is by lots of efforts and lots of money! On tops of that, you need a substantial amount of money to operate the business, that is called operation cost. It consists of overhead such as salary to the staffs, office expenses, etc. Many businesses have to be closed after several months in operation due to lack of float fund for operation cost!
In the online world of business some differences are significant. You don't need a huge capital to start your online business. All you need is a computer and internet connection. If you have a broadband internet connection, you are doing your business in a higher speed and thus, it is more efficient. On the operation cost, you can imagine how low it is, all you need is only the money to keep your internet connection service connected and the rest of the expenses is negligible if you compare to the online business. In the world of online business, you don't need to pay lot of money for rental of shop space, high payment for utilities bill, high payment for salary of staffs, etc...
All you need to start your own online business is simple. You only need to come out with good idea and concept, share them on the net and sell them. Do lots of publicity and create awareness about your business on the internet. Some people choose to sell items and services on auction website such as ebay. Others like to sell items and services exclusively on their own website. To own this exclusive image, you need to have your own domain name, design and build your webpage, and look for a company to host your webpage.
Examples of domain name are like,,, etc. If you notice, the ".com" domain is running out after years of heavy registration and subscription. If you own a domain like “” you are lucky because you may not get it now since it might have been taken by somebody else before you try to register for it. Get a good domain name is important because it can help your customer to remember your business name easily. Imagine that you are selling a product by the brand of "cocolee", when you are trying to register the domain name "", I'm sure you won't get it because somebody before you have registered it. If you choose to edit your domain name to something close, like "", then you are making your customer difficult to remember your business domain name. On top of that, domain name like this (, it is not good for your corporate image.
However, now you can have a second chance, you can register your domain name in the format of ".ws" and it is still quite easy to get good domain name that can tell your business in a clear domain name. To find out more about ".ws"and to register your domain name in ".ws" , you can do it at .
To design your own webpage can be very time consuming especially if you are not familiar with html and other web-building language. If you are an owner of a business, you would want to use all of your time to expand your business instead of building and renovating your shop by yourself. This concept is the same for the online business, you should use all your time in expanding your online business instead of using much of your time in creating your webpage. However, we are luckier now since some domain company do provide free ready templates that you can use to build your webpage in the shortest time possible. You can also get these templates at Other software that you can use to create your webpages are web design studio, java script editor, etc.
After you have registered your domain name and created your webpage, the next thing that you'll need to work out is to find a company to host your webpage. This is not difficult at all. There are many companies offering hosting service out there for your website. One click on the search engine will bring tons of them to you. However, I must remind you to host your website with a reliable company to avoid any unnecessary hassle such as hosting company closing down, server service down, etc. For hosting of webpage, I'll always suggest to my client to look for a company with good track record, and have been established for at least 5 years. The reason behind my suggestion is that companies that have been established for 5 years are generally quite stable by now in term of their facility and operation capital. You can also subscript to the hosting service from this link
As a summary, it is always a good idea to get all services needed to operate your internet business from one single company. This will reduce your hassle of co-ordination between several service providers and trouble shooting when problem happen especially when your business is running like a wild horse. Anyway, the "all under one roof" concept is not new either in the offline world or the online world.
Appreciation:Most of the contents in this blog is contributed by Kevin T. who is operating a website where profits make from there are used mostly for charity projects in Borneo. Website: